


I took a class on job manners.

Nov 9, 2023.


On this day I took ethics class.


In ethics class, I learned about Robert Nozick's way of thinking.


His way of shinking was very free and interesting.


I had learned Socrates to Kant.


Nozick's way of thinking is different from those philosophers.


Yesterday, I took a class on job hunting manners.


I thought what I learned in this class was useful not only for job hunting but also for living.


Natural expression.

On November9,2023, I attended an ethics class where I learned about Robert Nozick's unique perspective. His ideas were both liberating and captivating. Prior to this, I had studied the philosophies of Socrates to Kant, and Nozick's approach stood out as distinct from those philosophers. Additionally, I recently participated in a class on job hunting etiquette, and I found the lessons to be valuable not only for job seeking, but also for everyday life.